Tuesday 26 December 2006

Christmas Eve

Glory to God in the highest;
and on Earth peace;
Goodwill toward men

It's Christmas
I'm excited
Are you?

Why not?
A promise fulfilled from God above
that we, sinful creatures
shall be pardon of all turmoils and torments
delivered from evil
and given Eternal Life

It's the bestestestest FREE GIFT
anyone can ever have

Have you ever wondered
why we celebrate Christmas every year?
Have you ever thought like
"Hey, there must be more to Christmas than pressies & Santa!"

Sadly but truly
Many human beans
have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas!

Christmas means soSoSO much more
not just pressies beneath the tree or in stockings

JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!

Allow me some time to enlighten you on this point

A long long time ago
before the birth of Jesus
The Lord told a man
a man whose name was Isaiah
that a future King was coming
conceived of a virgin's womb
and that He, shall be called

"The Mighty GOD"

[ Isaiah 9 : 6, 7 ]
v6: For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called,
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
v7: Of the increase of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom
establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almight will accomplish this.

Many years after that...

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The angel, Gabriel was sent from heaven
to a virgin who lived in Nazareth, Galilee
Her name was MARY

"Greetings, you who are highly favoured!
The Lord is with you."

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Mary was greatly troubled at his words.
"What does this mean?"

"Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God.
You will be pregnant, and give birth to a son.
He shall be named JESUS
He will be great
He will be called the Son of the Most High
The Lord God, will give him a throne
The throne of King David, his ancestor
He will rule over the house of Jacob forever
His kingdom will never end."

"But how will this happen? I'm a virgin!"

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
The power of the most high will cover you.
The baby will be holy.
He will be called the Son of GOD."

"May it be to me as you have said."

Then the angel left.

At that time, Augustus Caeser issued an order
that every men must list their name in a register
that shall be followed by all countries under Roman rule

So, Joseph, along with Mary
travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem
to register with Mary
who was pledged to be his wife

Mary was pregnant then.

And it was in Bethlehem
that the time came for the birth of the baby

There wasn't any room left in the inn
So, Mary clothed Baby JESUS
laid Him in a manger
where animals fed

Under the guidance of a star
three wise men
bringing gifts of gold, of incense and of myrrh
came to the house
when they saw the child
they bowed down and worshipped Him
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And all of this happened, to fulfill the prophecy
the prophecy of Isaiah, many many years earlier!

Christmas is indeed
A birthday celebration for JESUS
A celebration to thank GOD
for the greatest gift ever offered

Salvation in Jesus Christ!

I might have bored you with a long story
I might not be making any sense
I'm glad that i shared this with you

Just before you go to bed tonight
gaze up at the stars above
You may or may not see a single star
because i don't see any
Just imagine the sky blanketed with twinkling stars
Whisper a little prayer to God

Thank you Lord for creating the stars
Thank you Lord for creating the moon
Thank you Lord for everything else
Most of all
Thank you Lord for sending baby Jesus
I leave my heart and my love for you, Dear Lord
Merry Christmas Dear Lord
Happy Birthday Jesus
I Love you!


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