Saturday 7 April 2007

Emo of EMO


Cupid strikes BIG time

Just a smile
Never ever EVER underestimate a smile
the power it possesses to intoxicate me from top to toe
making my heart do flip flops
and interestingly
stimulating my facial muscles unconsciously to whip up a smile

Imagine this GIRL
sitting on the comfy sofa hugging a pillow
and smiling like a drunken IDIOT
Help, me is melting~!

Aw shucks!
Who's that unlucky guy?!


La la la ~!

Enough daydreaming!!

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Lately i've been recapturing my history
Indulging in memories i wish to re-live once again
All the amazing adventures i've went through
Extraordinary friends i've hooked up with
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I will never trade my past for anything
If i could bend time and space like cute-yata!-hiro-nakamura
i'll make the world a little more peaceful, a little less hateful
but i'll never change MY course of history

Don't get me wrong there
I'm not proud of the blunders, the bloopers, the boo-boos...

you name it, i've been there, done it
but it's because of all these that i've learnt a whole lot
I believe that everything happens for a reason
A reason only TheBigGuyUpThere can answer
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Looking back at my self-made-histories
I've realized how God has been in every one of it
everyday, every hour, every minute, every second
He surrounded me with wonderful people
He taught me how to love and appreciate
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Embarrassed at my totally absurd behaviours

Spilling tears over little petty things

Steaming whenever things never go my way

Laughing at others and myself

Being a very very VERY mischievous prefect in primary school
climbing up poles as a result of the Bohr'd effect
Ogling most probably the only guy i'd ever admired
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SUZZ i see see YOU!

I've noticed that 10 years is pretty SHORT a period to me
My mum once said that when one has a sudden realization
of how fast one year zooOoms pass
It means you're getting older
And seeing how i view 10 years as pretty SHORT
my aging process must be pretty darn RAPID

Now everyone's off
chasing their dreams
not long after, we'll start
attending wedding ceremonies
Working life will consume a big portion of our youthfulness
but despite all these...
some things will never be erased from our memories
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Sorry for the break-neck pace of this post
even littletreespirit's feeling the pain in the neck
Time to hit the showers
and switch into
"chasing-my-dreams" mode!


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